Got Spring Fever?
We know it's been a long winter. You're anxious to get digging, buying and planting. But wait a minute. Before you make a mad dash to your local garden center here are a few things to consider first.
Prune any existing dormant trees. Open the canopy up - it will aid air circulation for the tree and add sunlight below it so you can plant even more.
Amend all plant beds with a minimum 2" layer of compost or triple mix. Your plants will reward you for it.
Fertilize your trees and shrubs. Scratch in a fertilizer around the base of plants. When it rains or you water your garden it will thank you with big beautiful blooms and green growth.
Aerate your lawn, dethatch, fertilize and topdress to fill in depressed areas of your lawn. Then overseed to keep weeds from taking hold. A thick lush lawn is the goal.
Prune spring flowering shrubs AFTER blooming.
Prune summer flowering shrubs now before they set flower buds. Remove all dead and diseased branches.
Uncover your roses and fertilize when new growth reaches 2" long.
Clean up perennials and trim ornamental grasses.
Divide perennials, transplant into new areas and plant new where needed.
Fertilize spring bulbs.
Plant new herbs and vegetables after the fear of frost is gone.
Sanitize your containers and tools.
Add supportive peony rings to all your top heavy peonies and hydrangeas.
Open up your irrigation systems and check all is working well.
Tool tune up time - clean, sharpen and oil tools.
Finally try something new! The colour of the year is Purple for 2018. Purple is a colour many design clients ask for. It's happy to mingle with every plant choice you pair it with.
So there you have it - a lot to do before the fun part - shopping!!!
Cleaning, preparing and arranging done ahead of time will ensure your garden thrives this season.
Happy planting my friends!
Cheers Kim